OLI Engine 9.2 in Aspen Plus User Guide

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OLI Engine 9.2 in Aspen Plus User Guide.

This guide is written for Aspen Plus V8.8 which is the current version at this time of writing (November 13, 2015). Many of the topics covered in this guide are applicable to earlier versions with some modification. If you require a user guide for an earlier version please contact OLI Systems.


Chapter 1 - Introduction to OLI in Aspen Plus (PDF, 0.4 MB)
Chapter 2 - Simulating a Neutralization Process (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Chapter 3 - Emergency Chlorine Scrubber (PDF, 0.7 MB)


Copyright© 2015
OLI Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved.

The enclosed materials are provided to the lessees, selected individuals and agents of OLI Systems, Inc. The material may not be duplicated or otherwise provided to any entity without the expressed permission of OLI Systems, Inc.


This manual was produced using the OLI Engine in Aspen Plus version 9.2 build 6 (9.2.6). As time progresses, new data and refinements to existing data sets can result in values that you obtain being slightly different than what is presented in this manual. This is a natural progress and cannot be avoided. When large systematic changes to the software occur, this manual will be updated.