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This example is created to help users understand how to use a custom OLI databank in Aspen HYSYS. For the purpose of this example, the version of Aspen HYSYS we used is 8.6.

Private Database

If you have a custom databank from OLI , it should have 39 files total. The name of the databank is usually the one with the DIC file. As you can see in the image below, this location has two databanks, AMINEHCL and PCM. That should be 78 files.

Custom 3.jpg

In order to install the databases on your machine, please open the zip file of the databases which OLI will be sending you and copy all the files to the folder amine-db created above in C: drive. Once you specify or point to this location in Hysys 8.6, the databases from the files will be used.

Using the databanks

Go to the Properties section of the simulation and click on Fluid Packages:


Add the OLI Electrolyte Fluid Package:


Go to the View Component list


Add a simple component like Water, after selecting the OLI Aq or OLI MSE framework from the dropdown. This example we have selected Aqueous model.

Custom 4.jpg

Click on Additional Databases encircled in the image above

Use the path provided in the image of Private Databank section :

C:\Hysys\amine-db and input that in the Path of Private Databank section

Custom 1.jpg

As you can see, there are two databanks for this example, AMINEHCAL AND PCM.

Now it is very important to take note of the two things

  • The checkmark next to the name of the private database is checked.
  • The location or the Path to both the databases is very specific and is the same.

Using the custom databanks in Simulation

Once you successfully have the databank on your machine at the specified location and its active in HYSYS, you can build your simulation with these properties set.

Please note that if you are going to share the file , check the mark off next to private databanks before transferring the file and turn in back on, only after saving the databanks at the same location.

This was based on OLITips26.

Author: Rasika Nimkar