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Revision as of 11:30, 23 July 2014

Download the software

We begin by asking you to download the latest software from the OLI download website http://downloads.olisystems.com

To do this you will need the Server Serial number in the license file that OLI supplied to you. As an example, the USB key or Floppy disk should contain a file that is similar to the one shown below "LH5412345."

Open this file and locate the Server Serial Number. We will use this number for several download and install steps. Please note, for all network users of the OLI software this is the only serial number that will allow you access to the download program site.

On the OLI download web site, enter your information as well as the server serial number. When this information has been added click the Go button.

A list of program to which you are entitled to download will be displayed. For this excercize we are only interested in the OLI Network License Server 3.0. When ready click the Download icon.

Save the file to your computer. For this excercize we are using FireFox as our web browser and we have selected the default Firefox download folder to receive this file.

Once downloaded, please locate the file. Here we have downloaded the file in the default Firefox folder.

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Install the OLI Network License Server

Locate the OLI Network License Server that you just downloaded and move it to the same folder as the license file.

Next, locate the license file OLI sent to you on the USB key or via Email. Copy this file to the same folder as the OLI Network License Server installation file.

Double-Click the OLI Network License Server install icon.

Select Run from this warning dialog.

OLI uses InstallShield as its delivery application. Click the next button to begin.

You will be prompted to press the next button many times. Unless we tell you different, please press the next button or the yes button.

Please click on the "I accept..." button and then click the Next button


Select Typical and then click the Next button.

Click teh Install button.

The Serial Number is automatically retrieved from the license file if it is in the same folder as the installer file. If the box is blank you will have to manually enter the serial number from the license file.

If you are requested to elevate the security, please click Yes.

This is an image of the installation in progress. Please wait for it to complete.

If the program seesm to hang up, please see if the following message appeared:

If this did, it is most-likely that your hardware device failed to install. Please contact OLI or see below.

That is all there is to it. If you received an error or need to include other options such as a port number, please consult the OLI Network Installation Guide

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Testing the Server

Start the OLI Network Security Provider (a/k/a the License Manager) via this path:

Start > All Programs > OLI Systems > Network License Server > Network License Server

Once the OLI Network Security Provider (a/k/a the Server) has started you may have blank information. If there is previously entered information please Click the Stop button and then delete this information by clicking the Remove button.

As you can see all the images are gray. This indicates that the OLI Network Security Provider is running correctly.

If it had not started you need to click on the the Event Log tab and you will see informational text about the state of the service. In this examples there are no errors and the service is running.

Click on any line to see the contents of the notification.

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Server Errors

Occasionally the server will fail to start. This is usually due to a problem with the hardware device (it's not plugged in) or the drivers. If you get such an error please close the OLI Network Security Provider and try to manually repair the hardware drivers.

To find out exactly what is causing the error. Close this error dialog and click on the Event Log tab.

You can see there are several errors that have occurred in this example. In general OLI needs to see these errors. Please click the Save Events button.

Save the events in a text file.

Below is the contents of the text file for our example.

Please send this text file to OLI for analysis via the support email link below.