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Starting the OLI Network License Administrator

The OLI Network LIcense Administrator tool allows a user with administrative privilege to modify how the OLI network security operates. Some of the things the "Admin " can do is:

   Force a logout of a user who has consumed to much time
   Keep track of who uses the software
   Issue local client serial numbers that are more specific than what OLI has issued.

To start the software, locate the tool as indicated below:

Adding a License Server

When starting the OLI Network Administrator there may be no information present.

To add a server enter the name or address of the server in the Server Address box below. In our example, the server name is "GRANITE".

Please note, OLI has no way of knowing what this name may be. Your system administrator will provide this information to you.

Next select the protocol from the drop down box, the ncacn_ip_tcp is normally the one we select.

Now click the Add button

You can now manage the server. You can also have several servers. Simply follow the same steps as above.

Modify an installed server

OLI allows for several license managers to be running simultaneously. If yours is displayed as in the example below, double click the server to continue.


The default screen is the Logins screen. Here you can see who is logged in and for how long. Here we have several users logged in. In our example we clicked the first user.

If you click on any line for that and will you get more information about the session.

If the user had left the software running and you have exceeded your license count, you can for the user to logout using the Force Logout button.


The settings tab has several options. The default view is the Summary mini-tab. On this tab you can see the server information and how many seats are currently in use for the software.

The License mini-tab provides you with the server serial number and the product data. Under normal operations you would not modify this data here rather using the actual License Manager software.

The Options mini-tab provides you with some additional information. The Server Information Visibility options allow specific server information (such as who is logged in) at the clients computer. Normally this is turned off.

The Performance options allow the admin to change how often the server checks to see if the clients are present. Slow or heavily trafficked networks may require longer times.

The Log File options allow the admin to see a historical record of who has logged into the server, which products are used and for how long. This is a non-rolling file. It will continue to grow in size until the admin stops logging or deletes the file.

You can locate the log file on your local computer rather than on the server.

The actual contents of the log file are "quote" delimited. It is difficult to read this file so it can be imported into a spreadsheet program.

Here in Microsoft Excel you can see the time and date of each session. Also the user name and the computer name is recorded along with the product. The time of duration is recorded.

Client Serial Number

Normally the client serial number provided by OLI in the OLI Network License file is sufficient. Occasionally the admin may decide to limit access to program or programs (such as a summer intern) or for a project of limited duration. A local client serial number can be provided here.

In this example we have provided an expiration date. This date must be the same or sooner than the expiration data for the server. You can not extend it past the server serial number expiration date. This generates a local client serial number which can then be provided to the end user when installing.

In this example, we limited our "Summer Intern" to the end of August and restricted access to some software.