ScaleChem: Studio or Standard?

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OLI Studio: ScaleChem is software developed in conjunction with OLI's Produced Water Group consortium, and released in December 2012. This software is the eventual replacement for ScaleChem Standard, part of OLI's Original Software products.

Two validation documents are available for comparing ScaleChem Standard to OLI Studio: ScaleChem

* ScaleChem calculation comparisons File:PWG-12-Rel-001 CalculationComparisons-V1.pdf
* Case Studies: ScaleChem Standard versus Studio ScaleChem File:PWG-12-Rel-002 CaseStudies-SCversusSSC.pdf

Development of OLI Studio:ScaleChem was needed because MEG and MeOH applications required OLI's MSE (Mixed Solvent Electrolyte) framework, which was not present in ScaleChem Standard. As OLI Studio: ScaleChem was being designed, new features such as contour plots and saturation with a brine (rather than water) were added to the product.

OLI recommends the migration of ScaleChem Standard to Studio ScaleChem. To assist in that effort, there is a conversion facility available within Studio ScaleChem which allows the import of a ScaleChem Standard case into the Studio.