Adding OLI calculated viscosity as a property set

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The purpose of the document is to show users how to add a property set in Aspen Plus and how to ensure that they get the properties calculated using OLI model. One of the places to check if OLI is the type of method for the property set that you are looking for and the tag name for that property set is at this screen. The encircled properties are the viscosity of liquid mixture and vapor mixture.


Adding a property set

Go to the Aspen Simulation environment and Click on the option below Setup called Property Sets:

2016-06-03 13-02-57.png

Create a new ID:

2016-06-03 13-05-24.png

Find the viscosity physical property in the drop-down:

2016-06-03 13-07-17.png

Properties section of the selected physical property is completed:

2016-06-03 13-11-59.png

Select the Phase for the property. In this case if we suspect liquid and vapor both phases to be present, then the same property needs to be added again as a vapor phase. At this time we will select only liquid phase.

2016-06-03 13-14-37.png

The above method guarantees successful addition of the viscosity property set for the liquid phase. Also as shown in the first image shown, it should be confirmed that OLI model is being used to calculate MUMXL property.

Author: Rasika Nimkar