PIPESIM Interface

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The OLI Studio - PIPESIM interface is a text file called a PVT file. This file was then imported into PIPESIM.

As of 2020 OLI no longer has an agreement with Schlumberger (the developers of PIPESIM) to maintain this product.

As of this edit (2 December 2022) all pages relating to OLI and PIPESIM have been deprecated. Perhaps at some time in the future, the interface will be resurrected.

The following pages are deprecated:

Deprecated-Getting Started with OLI Engine: PIPESIM PVT File
Deprecated-OLI Engine: PIPESIM PVT File
Deprecated-OLI Engine: PIPESIM PVT Tips
Deprecated-PVT files from OLI Studio
Deprecated-OLI Engine: PIPESIM Tutorials